OBJECTIVE BEAUTY | Perceptions Free from Ego

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Welcome back to your Yin & Tonic practice.

It’s been a while since I shared a session with you and I’m eager to get stuck into this content.

After a few week’s break (while I adventured around New Zealand), many of my students requested some full-body therapy, so that’s exactly what I offer in this session.

Some anatomical landmarks you can expect to hit in this practice include the upper and lower back, inner thighs and hips, chest and inner arms, and the nervous system.

In addition to wringing out the tense and tight body, we also discuss objective beauty and the impact of the ego. The ego will often miss the beauty because it’s too busy passing judgements and self-criticisms. So during this practice, I invite you to observe the judgements you place on yourself and ponder whether it’s righteous to judge life in this way. Maybe it’s not your right to pass judgement on life but instead, it’s your responsibility to observe it.

My teachings are built on the fundamental belief that everything is interconnected. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything and therefore, I request an open mind and curious heart. Your anatomy interweaves with the texture of your psyche, and your psyche encases your spirituality. Allow this practice to be an open reflection and opportunity for self-enquiry, rather than the pursuit of right or wrong.



  • Bolster

  • 2 x Blocks

  • Eye Pillow (optional)



Feel free to add any postures you like, as they serve and support your practice. Be sure to hold each posture for 3-5 minutes, allowing for a 1-2 minute rebound in between.

  • Yogi’s Choice to start:

    • 1) Savasana - optional bolster under the knees

    • 2) Reclined Butterfly - with a bolster tracing up the spine

    • 3) Support Bridge - with a bolster across the lower back

  • Pranayama - Gradual Deepening of Breath

    • Begin with a slow 3-count breath (inhales equal to exhales). Do this for 5 breaths or as many breaths as needed to create comfort and ease in the practice.

    • When comfortable, increase to 4 counts for another 5 breaths. Also welcome to remain here until the breath is comfortable and easy.

    • Lastly, increase to 5 counts for another 5 breaths, or as many breaths as you need.

  • Reclined Double-Leg Twist

  • Straddle Pose (AKA - Dragonfly)

  • Swan Pose

  • Sphinx Pose (For more: optional Seal Pose in the final minute or so. For less: Crocodile Pose)

  • Lying Chest Opener (optional: arm remains straight, wrist in line with your shoulder, or take a cactus-shape right angle to invite more potential sensation in the pec muscles)

  • Fountain of Youth Pose

  • Rebound ~ Extended Bridge (optional)

  • Savasana



Below is the link to my online studio where you can access this session and more.

All of my recordings are offered for donation, where you donate on a practice-by-practice basis.



I hope you enjoy this personal practice, and please reach out with any questions, feedback or personal insights - I sincerely enjoy hearing about your journey

Thank you for sharing your practice with me.

Namaste xo


LONG, SLOW & DEEP | Honey Hips & Lower Back