“It’s the questions we can’t answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. You can give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question and he’ll look for his own answers. That way, when he finds the answers, they’ll be precious to him” - Patrick Rothfuss.


I always endeavour to share my teachings, not for the money but for love. Traditionally, yoga practices would be offered freely, and the teacher would accept a dāna in exchange. By contributing to this community and making a donation, you make it possible for me to continue recording and uploading regular content. For this, I am deeply grateful

Dāna means generosity and is a gift offered from the heart. Your generosity is a contribution that not only supports me but also the larger Sangha (community). It also supports equanimity in your own spiritual practice (equal give & take).

How much to donate?

Please base your donation on several things. Consider your financial circumstances, how much you enjoy this practice and how much quality you feel you have received. For me, dāna looks like this ~ When I am in need, I give what I can and feel supported in return. If I am abundant and enjoying the offerings, then I support them as much as I can.

With sincere love & gratitude,

Namaste xo

Donate for your practice here.

Recommended playlist: moonstone ~ yin 75

Find me on Spotify ~ jesska.leroy

Recommended playlist ~ Water Lily 90mins

Find me on Spotify ~ jesska.leroy

Supporting Video ~ Aroma Medicines: Full Moon Sagittarius

Recommended playlist: anahata yin 90

Find me on Spotify ~ jesska.leroy

Note: You can hear a bit of music in the background of this video, so you may find you don’t need your own x


These audio offerings are recorded every Friday night during our live temple sessions. There is no accompanying video, so if you feel a bit lost, I recommend following one of the visual practices above to become familiar with my cueing style. Students who practice regularly with me often feel the visual is unnecessary and, in fact, prefer to practice with their eyes closed. This feedback has inspired the offerings below.

Each session includes emotional aromatherapy, so I have noted what essential oils are involved. If you don’t have essential oils but wish to add them to your practice, please get in touch and I can send you some xo

Class date ~ 8th March, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Midnight Forest (Nature’s Rhythm)

Class date ~ 15th March, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Lemon Eucalyptus (Protected Space), Frankincense (Truth), Pulama (Nurturing), Sandalwood (Sacred Devotion)

Class date ~ 22nd March, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Steady (Kid’s Blend - Grounding), Manuka (Being Upheld), Adaptive (Tranquillity & Adaptation)

Class date ~ 5th April, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Petitgrain (Ancestry), Tea Tree (Energetic Boundaries), Eucalyptus (Wellness)

Class date ~ 19th April, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Clary Calm (Vulnerability), Whisper (Balanced Femininity), White Fir (Generational Healing)

Class date ~ 10th May, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Siberian Fir (Aging & Perspective), Basil (Renewal), DoTERRA Becoming (Continuous Growth)

Class date ~ 9th August, 2024

Aromatherapy ~ Easy Air (Breath), DoTERRA Beautiful Blend (Inner Beauty), DoTERRA Peace Blend (Tranquility)