OBJECTIVE BEAUTY | Perceptions Free from Ego
A yin yoga practice for inner beauty - observing illusion and the impact of judgement. Plus, a full-body soak in stillness.
LONG, SLOW & DEEP | Honey Hips & Lower Back
A yin yoga practice for tight hips, offering relief to the lower back. Dive into the outer hips, inner thighs, psoas and side-body, along with dharma chats about the nervous system & practicing peace.
SACRAL CHAKRA | Feeling into Feminine
A yin yoga practice for the sacral chakra and sacred feminine energy. A practice for your hips & hamstrings, working towards humble Hanuman.
ABSTRACT RIGHTNESS | The Right Hemisphere
A yin yoga practice for the right hemisphere, practicing open-mindedness and abstract thinking.
SPINAL PULSE | The Architecture of Support
A yin yoga practice for the spine, exploring flexion (forward-bending) and extension (back-bending). Intermediate variations offered but suitable for all levels.