SACRAL CHAKRA | Feeling into Feminine

Welcome to Friday Yin Everyone,

This week, I share a yin yoga practice that taps into the dynamic structure of your sacral chakra, Svadhisthana. Often referred to as the emotional centre, Svadhisthana is the first place in your human journey where your masculine and feminine energies begin to relate with each other. It is the energy centre that consolidates your understanding of constantly moving relationships and how sensations should be organised and understood within the organism. This energy centre is often considered feminine because it relates to your ability to listen, feel and move slowly.

Throughout this sequence, we will practice several postures that can prepare your body for Hanumanasana (front-facing splits) or Eka Pada Supta Virasana (one-legged reclining hero pose). I purposely give you plenty of options in case frontal splits are not your jam - so don’t be scared off by the plan. The anatomical landmarks we explore through this practice include the lower back, the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps, hip flexors and the all-mighty psoas. My intention in navigating these dense and ‘tight’ areas is to guide your practice towards a sensation of movement and space.

Some of the other topics we touch on during this class include the balance between masculine and feminine (and how to sense which one is more dominant in your practice), leaning into vulnerability, practising emotional intelligence, and learning how to release waste from your system.

My teachings are built on the fundamental trust that all things are interconnected. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. Therefore, I encourage an open mind and curious heart. Your anatomy is interwoven with the texture of your psyche, and your psyche encases your spirituality. Allow this practice to be an open reflection and opportunity for self-enquiry rather than the pursuit of right or wrong.


  • Bolster

  • Blocks

  • Strap

  • Eye Pillow (optional)


Feel free to add any of your own postures. Be sure to hold each posture for approximately 5 minutes, allowing for a 1-2 minute rebound in between.

  • Seated Meditation + Pranayama - Ujjayi with Ring of Fire Visualisation

  • Supported Bridge

  • Psoas Stretch

  • Half Hammock (Soften - hold the foot with a strap and place a block under your head. Deepen - loop your head into the bound strap so your head and foot are suspended together. Example)

  • Super Slow Cat Cow

  • Dragon Lunge (Optional: bolster under the back knee or down the length of the back leg. Lazing Dragon: let the front knee fall out to the side, rolling onto the outer edge of your foot)

  • One-Legged Saddle Pose (Option 1: for those who would like to skip the splits)

  • Hanumanasana (Option 2: for those who wish to explore simultaneous hip flexion and extension)

  • Spinal Twist

  • Savasana


Below is the link to my online studio, where you can access this session at home.

All my recordings are offered for free in exchange for a donation of your choosing.

Stillness Practices


I hope you enjoy this personal practice, and please be sure to reach out with any questions, feedback or personal insights - I sincerely enjoy interacting with my yoga community

Thank you for sharing your practice with me.

Namaste xo


LONG, SLOW & DEEP | Honey Hips & Lower Back


ABSTRACT RIGHTNESS | The Right Hemisphere