“Either the goal of yoga is to be free or the goal of yoga is to get it right. You really can’t have it both ways. If you choose freedom, you have to divest yourself of that crazy idea that you have to get it right” - Leslie Kaminoff


I always endeavour to share my teachings, not for the money but for the love. Traditionally, yoga practices were offered freely, and the teacher would accept a dāna, in exchange. Filming and hosting content is both a strenuous and costly endeavour, so your donations enable me to keep this content alive, and I deeply appreciate your help

Dāna means generosity and is a gift offered from the heart. Your generosity is a contribution that not only supports me, but also the larger Sangha (community), and your own spiritual practice of equanimity.

How much to donate?

Please base your donation on a number of things. Consider your financial circumstance, how much you enjoy this practice and how much quality you feel you received. For me, dāna looks like this ~ When I am in need, I give what I can and feel supported in return. If I am abundant and enjoy the offerings, then I support them as much as I can.

With sincere love & gratitude,

Namaste xo

Donate for your practice here.

Platlist for practice ~ Earth 90mins

Find me on Spotify for playlists & sound journeys ~ jesska.leroy

Playlist for practice ~ Metal 60mins

Find me on Spotify for playlists & sound journeys ~ jesska.leroy

Playlist for practice ~ Peace 90mins

Find me on Spotify for playlists & sound journeys ~ jesska.leroy

Playlist for practice ~ Feel 75mins

Find me on Spotify for playlists & sound journeys ~ jesska.leroy