Truth: An objective fact that is absolute, regardless of your opinion, perception, or understanding.

Things I have discovered to be fundamentally true and should repeat to myself every day:

  • The ‘prettiness’, ‘effectiveness’, ‘helpfulness’, or ‘relevance’ of my Instagram feed has NOTHING to do with my REAL life.

  • It doesn’t matter if other people think your life is beautiful. It matters if YOU think your life is beautiful.

  • My practice does not exist to entertain or inspire others. It exists only to discipline and enrich me.

  • And for that reason, my practice is not something to be harvested…but something to be experienced.

  • Learning how to love yourself is lonely work sometimes. But solitude is NOT the same as neglect.

  • A day can feel slow, uncertain and random and STILL produce value and meaning.

  • A butterfly is not a bird but can still fly.

  • And when you’re completely unsure of where you’re life is going…STOP and take a second to be where you ARE.

I would love to know what some of your most profound truths are. Please feel welcome to share them in the comments below.

With love and gratitude xo


A Body Divorced from Mind


The Unknowableness of Change