February Giveaway: Myrrh

Myrrh ~ The oil of Mother Earth

Nurturing your soul relationship with mother energy and healing a variety of symptoms related to Earth element imbalance. Read below for a free reflection practice and an opportunity to win a bottle of DoTerra Myrrh Touch.

To my friends and Vivid Life family,

In keeping with my intention to give generously this year, I would love to gift a Free Myrrh Touch bottle (worth $80) and a free Yin & Tonic practice (worth $25) for the month of February.

Myrrh is the oil of Mother Earth 🌏 She is slow, maternal & tranquillising. She can help heal several symptoms that arise from an imbalanced Earth Element. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are five natural elements that govern our physical, mental and energetic world. These are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. According to Taoist philosophy, Earth is not only the central axis point for the other elements (and seasons) to revolve, but it is also the element that governs the last 10 days of each seasonal quarter. I like to call this the transitional season (for example, the passage from Summer to Autumn, which we are currently experiencing in Australia).

Without getting into the nitty-gritty of Chinese Medicine (I promise to dive deeper in a future post), the Earth element is largely concerned with your overall wellbeing and it provides fundamental stability for your overall system. It is the anchor point for your body and mind. When your Earth element is out of balance, so too is your sense of security. This is where all of your, ‘I am not enough’ stories are written and re-read across time. When your sense of stability is shaky, this causes a ripple in a number of different life factors, which also become unstable or unreliable. Some examples include, how you approach relationships, what your digestive health is like, and your propensity to worry or over-stress.

The Earth element governs your stomach and spleen, and is therefore concerned with how you harvest, savour, nourish and digest. And this doesn’t stop at just your physical food, it also refers to cognitive and spiritual food too. For example, how do you harvest your life experiences? Do you hoard or bloat on stagnant memories and dense emotions? Do you nourish the growth of healthy thoughts? And do you perceptions offer flavourful variety and vitality?

A balanced Earth element is where you first experience a sense of peace. It is the place where you feel most at home and you understand the deep Universal truth ~ ‘I am enough’.

Here are some ways that you can call on Myrrh’s medicine to support your wellbeing this season:

➺ Down-regulate mental and physical stress when life gets too busy.

➺ Support overwhelming emotions and find the underlying lesson in what your emotions are trying to tell you.

➺ Support mother wounds, mother/daughter relationship, healing familial trauma and building root chakra health.

➺ Disconnection, self-judgement, incessant worry, anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Diseases arising from an ‘I am not enough’ story.

➺ Support oral health and throat chakra healing.

➺ Promote youthful skin & help anti-ageing, scarring & sun damage.

➺ Deeply moisturise dry and cracked skin.

➺ Using Myrrh as a powerful conductive force for meditation practices (in ancient times, they believed that burning Myrrh could help bridge the gap between Heaven & Earth, allowing spirits to travel easily between realms).

If you would like to be in the draw to receive this beautiful earth medicine, please follow the prompts below:

✨ Subscribe to our Vividlife.Co community newsletter

✨ Submit a response to the below writing prompt (either by commenting or emailing jesska@vividlifeco.com.au)

👉 Write a letter to Mother Earth ~ what would you like her to know? (This can be short, long, funny, sincere ~ anything that feels like you).

Ways to secure some bonus entries:

✨ Write a letter back from Mother Earth to you ~ what would she like you to know?

✨ Follow jesska.vividlifeyoga on Instagram

✨ Like the Instragram post and/or share it on your story

✨ Tag a friend or loved one who could benefit from this medicine/practice.

I look forward to reading your letters to Mother Earth & being inspired by your love, wisdom & thoughts.

Winner will be announced on the 28th February. Australian entries only xo


Astral Therapy


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